Wednesday, January 29, 2014



Welcome to Rainy Day Books! Today will simply be an introduction, and I'll actually get started with books and everything on my next post.
When I first found out that I had to create a blog and was going to be graded on it, I was like, Excuse me? You're grading me on this? Does this mean that I have to follow your rules and can't just simply do what I want? What would I blog about anyways? I don't care about anything really, except for books. And one of my friends said that she would totally read about books and all that, is my 100% (hopefully) awesome book blog!



P.S. This blog is titled Rainy Day Books in hopes that my lovely, dry state of California finally gets rain. Like it did today!


  1. Hi Elsa. I can't wait until you start writing about books and what you think of them. I can't wait to hear your opinion on several different book series. I also love the reason why you named you blog Rainy Day Books.

  2. I just wanted to say that I really love your title for your blog because it's really creative and cute. I also am looking forward to reading all the book reviews, so that I know what books to pick up and which ones to skip.

  3. First of all...lets just talk about how great this title is. Seriously. And since your into reading, I can expect a new post soon right? I hope so...I just want to suggest your next post be about The Thrown of Glass series; its so amazing and a story that lots of people can relate. You know, with the death and everything? Great. Anyways, love the into, love the title, love the humor, can't wait for the reviews!

  4. We did get rain. It must have worked!
