Monday, March 17, 2014

Divergent-in every way

Ahoj! (Hello in Czech.) I will be talking about a book that has been made into a movie. This movie will be released this Friday. 

Divergent, by Veronica Roth. 

Let's face it-Divergent is an excellent, excellent book. So many people out there loved it. But the trilogy-THIS IS IN MY OPINION, IT IS NOT THE WHOLE WORLD'S-basically went downhill after the first. 

Divergent follows the story of Beatrice, or Tris, Prior and how she copes in Dauntless, her chosen faction...but I'm pretty sure you knew that already. 

Insurgent, the second book, was not the bad. It was good, but Divergent was better. 

And then, Allegiant. Oh, Veronica Roth failed. At least, according to the reviews. I haven't read this book, but I know what happens-SPOILER ALERT-Tris dies. What kind of author does that??????? That is whole different level of annoyance. 

Cool picture, right? Thought it was so cool I had to share it. 

Anyways, that's my scoop on Divergent. Got to go, but I'll be back later. 


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