Friday, February 14, 2014


Privet! (this is hello in Russian. If you haven't noticed, I am saying hello in different languages.) My posts have been getting very long and so I will try to keep this one short.

Soooooooooo, in my last post I said that I thought that Prodigy by Marie Lu was just plain awful. Well I have to be honest I decided that I was going to finish it last night and I did. And was Awesome! I think that the reason I found it boring was because every single dystopian story has the exact same plot line. I mean seriously. There is always the main character, and then he/she discovered that their society is messed up and then there is a huge political war. Look at The Hunger Games! Look at Delirium! Well actually I don't know what happens because I only read one book but so far it's following the plot line. Look at Divergent! Look at The Giver! Well okay Jonas runs away, not starts an uprising...Anyways, Prodigy was starting out almost exactly like this and I was getting super bored. And then...Plot Twist! A change in what seems like an extremely typical plot line. So hey, good job Marie Lu! I also think that she has done what most authors can't-the second book was better than the first. I know that I will be awaiting a chance to get Champion, which is the last book in the Legend trilogy. 

Elsa :)

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