Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Just Your Average Boy-Meets-Girl, Girl-Kills-People type story...

Hello! I know the title sounds creepy, but there is an explanation for it.

Anna Dressed in Blood, by Kendare Blake.

This book is a ghost story. Cas Lowood kills the dead, sends them to the afterlife. When he is sent to kill Anna Dressed in Blood, (another ghost) he has one thing on his mind: track her down, and kill her.
But Anna (by the way, it's pronounced Aw-na. Like the Frozen character.) is different from any other ghost he's had to face. She's entangled in curses and more than capable of ripping Cas apart. She's stronger than every other ghost, and fiercer. Anyone who enters her house dies.
But she, for whatever reason, spares Cas.

Okay, this book was really nice. It was gross/gruesome, a different, new plot line, and a story that revolves around the plot, not the romance. In fact, the title appears on the back of the book. I personally thought that the statement was kinda funny.

And the cover. It is perfect. Spooky, mysterious, and a touch of blood.

Honestly, it wasn't the best book I've ever read. And the sequel, Girl of Nighmares, isn't as good as the first, but it was more informative. Kinda like prequel information in the sequel.


P.S. Doesn't the cover fit in perfectly with my color scheme? The treys on the pale purple looks so nice!

Monday, September 29, 2014

Fairy Tales

Aloha! This book review is about Enchanted, by Alethia Kontis.

Enchanted is an adapted version of The Frog Prince, but it also has other fairy-tale elements in it. For example, it mentions the tower with no door, which is from Rapunzel. 
The main character, Sunday Woodcutter, has the ability that whatever she says will happen, comes true. Then she meets a frog in a well, who was enchanted to be a frog for a year. The two fall in love. However, the frog is Prince Rumbold, and her family despises him. One day, Sunday kisses the frog good-bye, and...


He becomes a prince again.

Prince Rumbold then attempts to woo Sunday. And now I'm going to stop myself from blabbing and let you all guess the ending.

This is part of the Woodcutter Sisters Series. And the series is seriously annoying me because-I CAN'T FIND THE SECOND ONE! AND IT'S BEEN OUT FOR A YEAR!


Monday, March 17, 2014

Divergent-in every way

Ahoj! (Hello in Czech.) I will be talking about a book that has been made into a movie. This movie will be released this Friday. 

Divergent, by Veronica Roth. 

Let's face it-Divergent is an excellent, excellent book. So many people out there loved it. But the trilogy-THIS IS IN MY OPINION, IT IS NOT THE WHOLE WORLD'S-basically went downhill after the first. 

Divergent follows the story of Beatrice, or Tris, Prior and how she copes in Dauntless, her chosen faction...but I'm pretty sure you knew that already. 

Insurgent, the second book, was not the bad. It was good, but Divergent was better. 

And then, Allegiant. Oh, Veronica Roth failed. At least, according to the reviews. I haven't read this book, but I know what happens-SPOILER ALERT-Tris dies. What kind of author does that??????? That is whole different level of annoyance. 

Cool picture, right? Thought it was so cool I had to share it. 

Anyways, that's my scoop on Divergent. Got to go, but I'll be back later. 


Friday, February 14, 2014


Privet! (this is hello in Russian. If you haven't noticed, I am saying hello in different languages.) My posts have been getting very long and so I will try to keep this one short.

Soooooooooo, in my last post I said that I thought that Prodigy by Marie Lu was just plain awful. Well I have to be honest I decided that I was going to finish it last night and I did. And well...it was Awesome! I think that the reason I found it boring was because every single dystopian story has the exact same plot line. I mean seriously. There is always the main character, and then he/she discovered that their society is messed up and then there is a huge political war. Look at The Hunger Games! Look at Delirium! Well actually I don't know what happens because I only read one book but so far it's following the plot line. Look at Divergent! Look at The Giver! Well okay Jonas runs away, not starts an uprising...Anyways, Prodigy was starting out almost exactly like this and I was getting super bored. And then...Plot Twist! A change in what seems like an extremely typical plot line. So hey, good job Marie Lu! I also think that she has done what most authors can't-the second book was better than the first. I know that I will be awaiting a chance to get Champion, which is the last book in the Legend trilogy. 

Elsa :)

Thursday, February 13, 2014

10 Things Going on in My Reading Life

Bonjour! This is 7 things going on in my life right now...that has to do with books. You know what comes next-The List.

1. Agony. >_<
        I am agonizing over the fact that I don't have Cress yet. Must. Go. To. Bookstore. Now. Or maybe I'll order it online/by it as an e-book, although I'm not a fan of e-books. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
2. A Different Option.
       For Christmas, I received a book called Fangirl, by Rainbow Rowell. I took one look at the book, read
 what it was about, and said, Eh...no. Finally, I picked it up and tried it. It was different from everything I've ever read before. (I like books with dystopias, magic...stuff like that.) And it was great! Next book I'll have to read by Rainbow Rowell: Eleanor and Park.
3.Literature Class
       HALLELUJAH I have finished The Alchemist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now we are reading The Book Thief. And of course, I already finished it. It was good! Kinda weird though.
4. Curiosity
       Ever heard of Teardrop by Lauren Kate? Well it sounds good...so now I want to
read it. Wow, my shopping list is beginning to increase. Not sure if that's a good thing.
5. Boredom
        Legend is apparently a trilogy. I am attempting to get through Prodigy, the next one, and for some reason, I can't quite do it. Legend was good, even if it was a little boring, but...I have mixed feelings. I think that by making sequels to Legend, it just makes it boring. Erg...how do I say this without sounding like a complete hypocrite weirdo?
                                      6. Waiting
       Another increase of my shopping list. Wow that's depressing cause I don't shop! Anyways, I read Delirium by Lauren Oliver and it is trilogy just like Legend and I really want to read the next two, Pandemonium and Requiem. (How come 3 out of the 5 books I want to by are written by a Lauren? It's not like the name means writer of good books...does it?)
7. The Mortal Instruments Series
       I first saw the books when I was in 6th grade and this girl, Mckenna, was reading one of them. Anyways, about some years later, the movie came out. So, I
decided to read them. Mckenna had said that they were good when I asked if the books were good or not. and there is a sixth book coming called The City of Heavenly Fire.

Bye now, everyone!


P.S. Okay I'm international now...people in Germany have seen this.