Friday, February 14, 2014


Privet! (this is hello in Russian. If you haven't noticed, I am saying hello in different languages.) My posts have been getting very long and so I will try to keep this one short.

Soooooooooo, in my last post I said that I thought that Prodigy by Marie Lu was just plain awful. Well I have to be honest I decided that I was going to finish it last night and I did. And was Awesome! I think that the reason I found it boring was because every single dystopian story has the exact same plot line. I mean seriously. There is always the main character, and then he/she discovered that their society is messed up and then there is a huge political war. Look at The Hunger Games! Look at Delirium! Well actually I don't know what happens because I only read one book but so far it's following the plot line. Look at Divergent! Look at The Giver! Well okay Jonas runs away, not starts an uprising...Anyways, Prodigy was starting out almost exactly like this and I was getting super bored. And then...Plot Twist! A change in what seems like an extremely typical plot line. So hey, good job Marie Lu! I also think that she has done what most authors can't-the second book was better than the first. I know that I will be awaiting a chance to get Champion, which is the last book in the Legend trilogy. 

Elsa :)

Thursday, February 13, 2014

10 Things Going on in My Reading Life

Bonjour! This is 7 things going on in my life right now...that has to do with books. You know what comes next-The List.

1. Agony. >_<
        I am agonizing over the fact that I don't have Cress yet. Must. Go. To. Bookstore. Now. Or maybe I'll order it online/by it as an e-book, although I'm not a fan of e-books. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
2. A Different Option.
       For Christmas, I received a book called Fangirl, by Rainbow Rowell. I took one look at the book, read
 what it was about, and said, Finally, I picked it up and tried it. It was different from everything I've ever read before. (I like books with dystopias, magic...stuff like that.) And it was great! Next book I'll have to read by Rainbow Rowell: Eleanor and Park.
3.Literature Class
       HALLELUJAH I have finished The Alchemist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now we are reading The Book Thief. And of course, I already finished it. It was good! Kinda weird though.
4. Curiosity
       Ever heard of Teardrop by Lauren Kate? Well it sounds now I want to
read it. Wow, my shopping list is beginning to increase. Not sure if that's a good thing.
5. Boredom
        Legend is apparently a trilogy. I am attempting to get through Prodigy, the next one, and for some reason, I can't quite do it. Legend was good, even if it was a little boring, but...I have mixed feelings. I think that by making sequels to Legend, it just makes it boring. do I say this without sounding like a complete hypocrite weirdo?
                                      6. Waiting
       Another increase of my shopping list. Wow that's depressing cause I don't shop! Anyways, I read Delirium by Lauren Oliver and it is trilogy just like Legend and I really want to read the next two, Pandemonium and Requiem. (How come 3 out of the 5 books I want to by are written by a Lauren? It's not like the name means writer of good books...does it?)
7. The Mortal Instruments Series
       I first saw the books when I was in 6th grade and this girl, Mckenna, was reading one of them. Anyways, about some years later, the movie came out. So, I
decided to read them. Mckenna had said that they were good when I asked if the books were good or not. and there is a sixth book coming called The City of Heavenly Fire.

Bye now, everyone!


P.S. Okay I'm international now...people in Germany have seen this.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Assassins, Magic, and Love

Hola, people! Yes, I know that this post has been rather sporadic and all, but since this is being graded, I have to make it fit those rigid walls of what you can and cannot have. And there is quite a lot going on in my life right now.

Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas is one of the best books I've ever read. It's right up there along with the Lunar Chronicles, The Hunger Games, and Divergent.

 Yes, the covers are creepy. The book itself is good. And anyways, there is another cover that is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay prettier.

 See what I mean? It's much nicer. Not as creepy looking.
 Throne of Glass is about 18 year old Celaena Sardothien who was the world's greatest assassin. She has been given the option to become the King's Champion (do his dirty work) if she competes in a competition and wins. If she loses, she will be sent back to Endovier (a really bad labor camp in which people have to mine salt) to stay.
Upon her arrival, Celaena discovers that there is something sinister going on in the castle. Oh, and did I mention that she falls in love with the prince and the Captain of the Guard (as if her life isn't complicated already...)?

Crown of Midnight is the continuation of Throne of Glass. It's a little more...I don't know the word for it. A friend of mine says that the romance is so much more passionate in Crown of Midnight. She is right.
Okay, some friends of mine say that Throne of Glass should be made into a movie. I disagree. Here is a list of reasons:

1. It would be waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too bloody. And violent. I hate those things.
2. Movies that are based off of a book totally ruin the book. The movie would probably be really sucky, unless the producers followed the book.
3. Many people who had never read Throne of Glass (this is if the movie is sucky) would then be unwilling to try it out because they might think that Throne of Glass will be sucky too.

Do you think that Throne of Glass should be made into a movie or not? Please leave a comment below. You will be helping the debate by commenting...especially if you agree with me and my reasons against it. But, I don't think that Throne of Glass should be made into a movie.



Monday, February 3, 2014

The Alchemist-Not What it Seems

    Guten tag!   

Right now for English, I am reading The Alchemist by Paulo Coehlo (did I spell it right?)
The Alchemist is a cheerful book. However, it is boring. I don’t get what’s the big deal about it anyway. It is a very deep, thoughtful book that ponders life. It’s also kind of religious. People say that it is a great book. Apparently it was an international best-seller, and when I found that out, I was thinking, This? This book is so boring. How could it be an international best-seller? Throughout the book, the main character is called "the boy".  My guess is that it’s for adults. I’m in my teens, so I guess it makes sense that that it bores me to tears. Plus, the way the author writes it...gosh it's super boring. It sounded good...
In fifth grade, we had to read The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery. That was another book about morals and life and it was boring too. How come both books take place in the desert? Is there something mystical and magical about the desert? I mean, come on. It's a stretch of dry, hot sand for crying out loud. There are a lot of prettier places out there than a stretch of hot, dry sand. Like the beach. Or the rain forest. Or any forest. Or a waterfall. Mountains? 
Okay, so deserts actually are cool looking. But a desert is also super boring. I would hate to be trapped out there. Erg...

