Monday, February 3, 2014

The Alchemist-Not What it Seems

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Right now for English, I am reading The Alchemist by Paulo Coehlo (did I spell it right?)
The Alchemist is a cheerful book. However, it is boring. I don’t get what’s the big deal about it anyway. It is a very deep, thoughtful book that ponders life. It’s also kind of religious. People say that it is a great book. Apparently it was an international best-seller, and when I found that out, I was thinking, This? This book is so boring. How could it be an international best-seller? Throughout the book, the main character is called "the boy".  My guess is that it’s for adults. I’m in my teens, so I guess it makes sense that that it bores me to tears. Plus, the way the author writes it...gosh it's super boring. It sounded good...
In fifth grade, we had to read The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery. That was another book about morals and life and it was boring too. How come both books take place in the desert? Is there something mystical and magical about the desert? I mean, come on. It's a stretch of dry, hot sand for crying out loud. There are a lot of prettier places out there than a stretch of hot, dry sand. Like the beach. Or the rain forest. Or any forest. Or a waterfall. Mountains? 
Okay, so deserts actually are cool looking. But a desert is also super boring. I would hate to be trapped out there. Erg...



1 comment:

  1. Hi Elsa, this post is sooooo true! Unfortunately, I also read this book and let me say it was........................(not) interesting. First of all, the author addresses the main character as "the boy" instead of his name mentioned once at the beginning, Santiago. Also the main character is so stupid. He had his money stolen twice and when he was finally at his destination, he got robbed. I thought it was the highlight of the book!
