Monday, February 10, 2014

Assassins, Magic, and Love

Hola, people! Yes, I know that this post has been rather sporadic and all, but since this is being graded, I have to make it fit those rigid walls of what you can and cannot have. And there is quite a lot going on in my life right now.

Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas is one of the best books I've ever read. It's right up there along with the Lunar Chronicles, The Hunger Games, and Divergent.

 Yes, the covers are creepy. The book itself is good. And anyways, there is another cover that is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay prettier.

 See what I mean? It's much nicer. Not as creepy looking.
 Throne of Glass is about 18 year old Celaena Sardothien who was the world's greatest assassin. She has been given the option to become the King's Champion (do his dirty work) if she competes in a competition and wins. If she loses, she will be sent back to Endovier (a really bad labor camp in which people have to mine salt) to stay.
Upon her arrival, Celaena discovers that there is something sinister going on in the castle. Oh, and did I mention that she falls in love with the prince and the Captain of the Guard (as if her life isn't complicated already...)?

Crown of Midnight is the continuation of Throne of Glass. It's a little more...I don't know the word for it. A friend of mine says that the romance is so much more passionate in Crown of Midnight. She is right.
Okay, some friends of mine say that Throne of Glass should be made into a movie. I disagree. Here is a list of reasons:

1. It would be waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too bloody. And violent. I hate those things.
2. Movies that are based off of a book totally ruin the book. The movie would probably be really sucky, unless the producers followed the book.
3. Many people who had never read Throne of Glass (this is if the movie is sucky) would then be unwilling to try it out because they might think that Throne of Glass will be sucky too.

Do you think that Throne of Glass should be made into a movie or not? Please leave a comment below. You will be helping the debate by commenting...especially if you agree with me and my reasons against it. But, I don't think that Throne of Glass should be made into a movie.



1 comment:

  1. Action filled stories are difficult to recreate on screen, because of limited production budgets. I dd not think the Harry Potter series, as a whole, was well produced. Don't you think Authors are smart to create these book series to keep people reading and buying their books?
